On Sunday, April 12, 2020 at 9:11:58 AM UTC-6, Peter the Wieck pronounced:
<snip horseshit>
My goodness. I've seen this sort of leftist tripe
so many times before, and it's truly a marvel how
it never, ever changes, not one iota. Leftists are
so utterly convinced of their superiority they just
can't help raining pejoratives upon anyone who is
disinclined to toe their line. In the course of this
thread, Peter the Wieck has referred to yours truly
in the following fashion, while managing not to even
admit the existence of the accusation I proffered,
let alone addressing the guilt of his crew:
unencumbered by the thought process
overall essential stupidity
one-trick pony
invincibly ignorant
unencumbered by the thought process
This is the kind of "debate" one can expect when
confronting liberals online; the rhetoric changes
but little for actual confrontations in meatspace,
other than the fact that the same pejoratives will
be screamed in the opponents' faces, sometimes ending
with a smash to the skull with a bike chain bearing
a large combination lock on one end. This sort of
aggression is known, and often shown in video clips
shot by citizen journalists and posted to platforms
like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Vine, etc.
They are, of course, erased as quickly as the leftist
controllers of such platforms can ferret them out.
But some remain, some are propagated, and the message
flows. Count on it. And we (you can figure out who
"we" are, or not...don't care if you do or don't) are
educated as to your worldview now, and there are those
of us who spread this knowledge. Like this, for instance:
"Leftism at its heart holds that a small percentage of humans
have a vastly superior understanding of everything compared
to ordinary people. The point of leftism is to empower these
superior individuals to impose their superior understanding
upon society by the force of the state. Leftists must be
viewed by themselves and others as superior human beings if
they are to have a claim to power and status."
- Shannon Love -
Or this:
"If you ask progressives about their patriotic feeling,
they will tell you that they don't think of themselves
first as Americans but as 'citizens of the world.' That
even has a Harvard imprimatur. They are, in fact, so
profoundly alienated from their country as to be in some
sense foreigners to it. They are hostile to its history
and to its core values, which they see as reflections of
a society that has been guilty of racism and oppression
on an epic scale. And they are fundamentally opposed to
its constitutional arrangements which the framers
specifically designed to thwart what they deemed 'wicked
projects' to redistribute income and share individual
- David Horowitz -
And then, there's this great rightwing sage:
"Somewhere along the line the leftards managed to launch a
meme which holds that skill in the arts (or mere popularity
from the practice thereof, skillfully or otherwise) somehow
confers expertise in every other area; this leads to pompous
pontifications on medical technology, energy consumption,
meteorology, general science, geopolitics and any number of
other specialized fields by those who know little more than
how to play the goddamn guitar. That's just fucking brilliant,
isn't it?
Libs all know they're a bunch of snob fucks; it's evident.
They actually revel in this, never missing an opportunity
to proclaim their superiority or heap derision upon those
they regard as their inferiors on the one hand, and bleating
piously on the other about how 'tolerant' they are and how
'inclusive' and 'enlightened' their social policies are.
And their arrogance is such that they think it all goes
unnoticed, and that those so impugned accept their judgement
without question."
- Lord Valve -
So you go right on ahead and continue to tout your superiority
and righteousness, Mr. Wieck. You can continue to do so with
impunity, at least until your kind crosses that invisible line,
a line which is now ever so close. Once that happens, talk will
cease and war will begin.
And we will bury you, and we will teach our children of the
mistakes you made and the arrogance with which you assumed
your "superiority" would allow you to impose your will on
people with no recompense. We understand that the Second
Amendment doesn't have anything to do with duck hunting or
muzzle-loaders; we realize that it was put in pace by patriots
who had just fought (and won) a long and bitter war against a
tyrant who ruled by decree and not by the consent of the
governed. They wanted to make sure that the populace would
have a way to remove any American government which had been
seized by men of low character and evil intent. Don't think
for one moment that we will not do it.
We think you're wrong, and we want you to change. You think
we are evil, and you want us to die.
Not gonna happen. We're Americans. We beat your kind before
and we can do it again. Try us.
Lord Valve, ThD
American/Patriot (FUCK YOU!)